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Calex Smart Tuya Wifi LED Strip | 5M/10mm - RGBW - Dimbaar

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Beschrijving Calex Smart Tuya Wifi LED Strip | 5M/10mm - RGBW - Dimbaar

Highlights of the Calex Smart + White LED Strip 5M

  • Energy efficient smart LED lighting
  • Flexible LED strip
  • Tuya Wi-Fi support system
  • Free Calex smartphone app
  • Change light color easily
  • Link with Google Home or Amazon Alexa
  • 2 years of warranty

The best smart LED strip

Roll out your smart lighting ideas with this flexible 5 meter long LED Smart LED Strip. With this LED strip you can transform your bedroom, office, garage or even your man cave into an intelligent space! The nice thing about this LED strip is that you can not only show all the colors of the rainbow, you can also operate it from your smartphone by using the accompanying app. With this smart LED Strip you amaze all your friends, colleagues and acquaintances!

Voice controlled LED Strip

The best thing about this LED strip might be that you’re also able to make it voice controlled. By connecting the Calex App to your Google Home or Amazon Alexa assistant, you can control this LED Strip with your voice. That's smart!

Show your favorite color

With the app you can easily activate your favorite light color. The LED Strip has two color modes. Thanks to the RGB mode, you can choose from all the colors of the rainbow and thanks to the white modus you can also display regular white light.

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