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Calex Smart Tuya Wifi B22 Peer Filament 7W 806lm - 818-830 Afstembaar Wit | Dimbaar - Vervangt 60W

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Beschrijving Calex Smart Tuya Wifi B22 Peer Filament 7W 806lm - 818-830 Afstembaar Wit | Dimbaar - Vervangt 60W

Highlights of the Calex Smart Standard LED Bulb B22 7W 806lm

  • Filament bulb
  • Energy efficient smart LED lighting
  • Connect via Tuya Wi-Fi
  • Calex smartphone app
  • Change light color easily
  • Link with Smart Home assistants
  • 2 years of warranty

Smart lighting with bayonet fitting

Are you looking for futuristic smart lighting with the classic (b22) bayonet fitting? Then the Calex Smart Standard LED Bulb B22 8,5W is the perfect match for you! This Calex Smart lamp is equipped with the well-known B22 Bayonet fitting and a low power of only 7 Watts. Moreover, this smart LED lighting is the economical replacement for conventional B22 lamps, which means you will save considerably in terms of energy costs! This smart bulb lasts no less than 15,000 hours and has a neat 2-year warranty.

Connected with Tuya Wi-Fi and Calex App

Download the Calex application for your phone and connect to your new LED lighting using Tuya Wi-Fi (2.4 Ghz). It's really simple! If you want, you can also add multiple smart lamps from Calex (or other brands that work via Tuya Wi-Fi) to the overview in your app. This way you can optimally operate multiple rooms in the house or office with a swipe or the push of a button. That's smart!

Connect with your home assistant

If you want to make these Calex bulbs even smarter, you can choose to connect them with a home assistant. For example, connect to Amazon's Google Home or Alexa. By doing this you can control your lighting with voice control.

Easily adjust the light color

This lamp is equipped with an RGB function as well as a CCT function. With the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) function you can display any color imaginable in the spectrum. With the Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) function you can adjust the amount of white light from the lamp. You can choose your favourite white light in-between 4000K and 2200K.

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